Remedies to your restaurant cooling issues – Hunter Industrial

Maintaining a clean, comfortable, and safe environment is the main ingredient in the food industry. Quickly improve your restaurant atmosphere by installing high-quality commercial ceiling fans as a cost-effective and efficient way to keep guests and employees cool. When it comes to restaurants, comfort matters in more ways than one; it's vital to a welcoming ambiance. Various factors combine to impact the success rate of a restaurant. One way to ensure a comfortable temperature is to embrace reliable, consistent airflow by making an energy-efficient decision to integrate ceiling fans.

An uncomfortable environment will affect more than just your Google rating. Our consequences include:

  • Employee turnover
  • Uneven temperatures
  • Lingering odors, moisture, and spills
  • Guest discomfort


HVAC systems can be problematic and consume lots of energy, running year round without a break. Ceiling fans are efficient and improve ventilation throughout the entire space, relieving the burden on your HVAC system. In addition, they are cooling the environment and adding a little spice to the décor through Hunter's intriguing modern spin on the design of the commercial ceiling fan.


Restaurants often experience the following issues:


Hot outside, discomfort inside

Physical comfort is a significant factor in where guests venture and where employees stay. Maintaining a cool environment makes guests more likely to stay and dine since they are comfortable. Outside temperatures directly impact the number of guests that will or will not dine in a restaurant. Air quality and comfortable temperature is a deciding aspect that workers consider when choosing between jobs. Commercial ceiling fans make a huge difference.

An easy fix for this problem is installing ceiling fans in your restaurant. Ceiling fans generate a cooling effect of nearly ten degrees, increasing the comfort level of guests and employees. Unfortunately, HVAC systems create pockets of cold and hot spots causing uneven air distribution throughout the space. Also, completely changing the temperature across the entire restaurant would take an unreasonable amount of time, resulting in insufficient cooling and unhappy patrons.



Eliminate unwanted elements


Restaurants experience many unwanted concerns during the daily operation of their establishment. The hazards can impact both customers and employees while they are in the restaurant. These risks range from spills to unpleasant odors and pests. Slips and falls are continuously a concern of restaurant owners; additional moisture can also result in unsanitary conditions and product spoilage. The rate at which moisture dries is improved by installing a commercial ceiling fan, resulting in increased airflow and quicker drying of the spill. One way to decrease the chances for unsafe conditions is to incorporate consistent airflow in the environment. Commercial ceiling fans help alleviate these risks, making it an effective way to reduce odors, excess moisture, and critters in your restaurant.


Savings in more ways than one


Commercial ceiling fans create a safe, comfortable environment for guests and employees. This lowers the likelihood of employee turnover and decreases new training and recruiting expenses because employees are more likely to continue working at their present job. Furthermore, productivity is also increased due to the cooler environment provided by commercial ceiling fans.

You are also prompting savings in other areas, such as the restaurant’s energy bill. For example, using a commercial ceiling fan as an extension of your HVAC system in the warmer months reduces cooling costs. In addition, destratification (a process of redistributing warm air trapped at the ceiling) helps lower your heating bill during the winter.


Correct the cooling issues in your restaurant with an even cooler solution.


Commercial ceiling fans create the most comfortable restaurant environments. They improve guest comfort and employee productivity by providing pleasant and safe conditions. The addition of commercial fans makes it a more enjoyable experience all the way around. In addition, commercial fans help restaurants cool off their expenses during the winter and summer.

After 135 years of innovation and excellence, Hunter Fan Co. continues to exceed expectations. Make your restaurant space a better place today by contacting Hunter Industrial & Commercial. Chat with our experts by calling 1-844-591-FANS (3267) or check out our website.